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Atendimento especializado para todas as suas necessidades de saúde - onde a experiência encontra a compaixão.

Aqui estão alguns dos principais exames e procedimentos realizados no Hospital Samur. Para ter acesso a lista completa e as intruções de preparo para cada um, baixe arquivo pdf logo abaixo.



Um procedimento usado para abrir artérias coronárias bloqueadas causadas pela doença arterial coronária. Envolve a inserção temporária e inflação de um pequeno balão onde a artéria está obstruída para ajudar a alargá-la. Muitas vezes é combinado com a colocação permanente de um pequeno tubo de malha de arame chamado stent, que ajuda a manter a artéria aberta, reduz a chance de estreitá-la novamente e melhora o fluxo sanguíneo para o coração.

  1. Fasting: Patients are often advised to not eat or drink anything (except water) for a certain number of hours before the procedure. This is typically around 6-8 hours.

  2. Medications: The physician may adjust, add, or advise the patient to temporarily stop certain medications:

    • Blood thinners or anticoagulants might need to be adjusted.
    • If the patient is diabetic, adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary, especially if the patient is on insulin.
    • Discuss all medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs with the physician.
  3. Allergies: Inform the medical team of any allergies, especially to iodine, contrast dye, shellfish, or any medications.

  4. History and Physical Examination: Before the procedure, a complete medical history and physical examination will be taken. This includes any previous medical conditions, procedures, or surgeries.

  5. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including kidney function tests, might be done. This helps the doctor ensure it’s safe to introduce contrast dye during the procedure.

  6. Avoid Smoking: If the patient smokes, they might be advised to quit or at least abstain for a certain period before the procedure.

  7. Inform about Pregnancy: If there’s a chance a female patient might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor, as the procedure involves X-rays.

  8. Arrange a Ride Home: Since sedation might be used during the angioplasty, patients are typically advised not to drive after the procedure. It’s good to have someone available to drive the patient home.

  9. Consent: The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure will be explained, after which the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  10. Physical Preparation: Patients will be asked to remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. They’ll also be prepped in the catheterization lab, which involves cleaning and perhaps shaving the area where the catheter will be inserted.


Um procedimento cirúrgico para remover o apêndice, que é uma pequena bolsa em forma de tubo ligada ao intestino grosso. Uma apendicectomia é comumente realizada para tratar a apendicite aguda, que é a inflamação dolorosa do apêndice.

  1. Fasting: Patients are often advised to not eat or drink anything (except water) for a certain number of hours before the procedure. This is typically around 6-8 hours.

  2. Medications: The physician may adjust, add, or advise the patient to temporarily stop certain medications:

    • Blood thinners or anticoagulants might need to be adjusted.
    • If the patient is diabetic, adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary, especially if the patient is on insulin.
    • Discuss all medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs with the physician.
  3. Allergies: Inform the medical team of any allergies, especially to iodine, contrast dye, shellfish, or any medications.

  4. History and Physical Examination: Before the procedure, a complete medical history and physical examination will be taken. This includes any previous medical conditions, procedures, or surgeries.

  5. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including kidney function tests, might be done. This helps the doctor ensure it’s safe to introduce contrast dye during the procedure.

  6. Avoid Smoking: If the patient smokes, they might be advised to quit or at least abstain for a certain period before the procedure.

  7. Inform about Pregnancy: If there’s a chance a female patient might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor, as the procedure involves X-rays.

  8. Arrange a Ride Home: Since sedation might be used during the angioplasty, patients are typically advised not to drive after the procedure. It’s good to have someone available to drive the patient home.

  9. Consent: The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure will be explained, after which the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  10. Physical Preparation: Patients will be asked to remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. They’ll also be prepped in the catheterization lab, which involves cleaning and perhaps shaving the area where the catheter will be inserted.


Um procedimento cirúrgico minimamente invasivo em uma articulação, no qual um exame e, às vezes, tratamento de danos são realizados usando um artroscópio, que é um tipo de endoscópio inserido na articulação através de uma pequena incisão. É comumente usado para joelhos, ombros e outras articulações.

  1. Fasting: Patients are often advised to not eat or drink anything (except water) for a certain number of hours before the procedure. This is typically around 6-8 hours.

  2. Medications: The physician may adjust, add, or advise the patient to temporarily stop certain medications:

    • Blood thinners or anticoagulants might need to be adjusted.
    • If the patient is diabetic, adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary, especially if the patient is on insulin.
    • Discuss all medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs with the physician.
  3. Allergies: Inform the medical team of any allergies, especially to iodine, contrast dye, shellfish, or any medications.

  4. History and Physical Examination: Before the procedure, a complete medical history and physical examination will be taken. This includes any previous medical conditions, procedures, or surgeries.

  5. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including kidney function tests, might be done. This helps the doctor ensure it’s safe to introduce contrast dye during the procedure.

  6. Avoid Smoking: If the patient smokes, they might be advised to quit or at least abstain for a certain period before the procedure.

  7. Inform about Pregnancy: If there’s a chance a female patient might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor, as the procedure involves X-rays.

  8. Arrange a Ride Home: Since sedation might be used during the angioplasty, patients are typically advised not to drive after the procedure. It’s good to have someone available to drive the patient home.

  9. Consent: The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure will be explained, after which the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  10. Physical Preparation: Patients will be asked to remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. They’ll also be prepped in the catheterization lab, which involves cleaning and perhaps shaving the area where the catheter will be inserted.



A procedure in which a doctor inserts a thin, flexible tube (bronchoscope) equipped with a light and camera into the patient’s throat and down into the airways. This allows the physician to view the trachea, bronchi, and some parts of the bronchioles. It’s used for diagnostic purposes, to collect samples, or sometimes for therapeutic reasons, like removing obstructions or tumors.

  1. Fasting: Patients are often advised to not eat or drink anything (except water) for a certain number of hours before the procedure. This is typically around 6-8 hours.

  2. Medications: The physician may adjust, add, or advise the patient to temporarily stop certain medications:

    • Blood thinners or anticoagulants might need to be adjusted.
    • If the patient is diabetic, adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary, especially if the patient is on insulin.
    • Discuss all medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs with the physician.
  3. Allergies: Inform the medical team of any allergies, especially to iodine, contrast dye, shellfish, or any medications.

  4. History and Physical Examination: Before the procedure, a complete medical history and physical examination will be taken. This includes any previous medical conditions, procedures, or surgeries.

  5. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including kidney function tests, might be done. This helps the doctor ensure it’s safe to introduce contrast dye during the procedure.

  6. Avoid Smoking: If the patient smokes, they might be advised to quit or at least abstain for a certain period before the procedure.

  7. Inform about Pregnancy: If there’s a chance a female patient might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor, as the procedure involves X-rays.

  8. Arrange a Ride Home: Since sedation might be used during the angioplasty, patients are typically advised not to drive after the procedure. It’s good to have someone available to drive the patient home.

  9. Consent: The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure will be explained, after which the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  10. Physical Preparation: Patients will be asked to remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. They’ll also be prepped in the catheterization lab, which involves cleaning and perhaps shaving the area where the catheter will be inserted.


Cardiac Catheterization

A diagnostic procedure where a catheter is inserted into a chamber or vessel of the heart. This is typically done to evaluate the heart’s function and to look for any abnormalities. It can also be used to diagnose and treat certain heart conditions.

  1. Fasting: Patients are often advised to not eat or drink anything (except water) for a certain number of hours before the procedure. This is typically around 6-8 hours.

  2. Medications: The physician may adjust, add, or advise the patient to temporarily stop certain medications:

    • Blood thinners or anticoagulants might need to be adjusted.
    • If the patient is diabetic, adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary, especially if the patient is on insulin.
    • Discuss all medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs with the physician.
  3. Allergies: Inform the medical team of any allergies, especially to iodine, contrast dye, shellfish, or any medications.

  4. History and Physical Examination: Before the procedure, a complete medical history and physical examination will be taken. This includes any previous medical conditions, procedures, or surgeries.

  5. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including kidney function tests, might be done. This helps the doctor ensure it’s safe to introduce contrast dye during the procedure.

  6. Avoid Smoking: If the patient smokes, they might be advised to quit or at least abstain for a certain period before the procedure.

  7. Inform about Pregnancy: If there’s a chance a female patient might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor, as the procedure involves X-rays.

  8. Arrange a Ride Home: Since sedation might be used during the angioplasty, patients are typically advised not to drive after the procedure. It’s good to have someone available to drive the patient home.

  9. Consent: The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure will be explained, after which the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  10. Physical Preparation: Patients will be asked to remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. They’ll also be prepped in the catheterization lab, which involves cleaning and perhaps shaving the area where the catheter will be inserted.


An endoscopic examination of the large bowel (colon) and the distal part of the small bowel using a camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus. It’s commonly used to screen for colon cancer and to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms like blood in the stool or unexplained changes in bowel habits.

  1. Fasting: Patients are often advised to not eat or drink anything (except water) for a certain number of hours before the procedure. This is typically around 6-8 hours.

  2. Medications: The physician may adjust, add, or advise the patient to temporarily stop certain medications:

    • Blood thinners or anticoagulants might need to be adjusted.
    • If the patient is diabetic, adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary, especially if the patient is on insulin.
    • Discuss all medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs with the physician.
  3. Allergies: Inform the medical team of any allergies, especially to iodine, contrast dye, shellfish, or any medications.

  4. History and Physical Examination: Before the procedure, a complete medical history and physical examination will be taken. This includes any previous medical conditions, procedures, or surgeries.

  5. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including kidney function tests, might be done. This helps the doctor ensure it’s safe to introduce contrast dye during the procedure.

  6. Avoid Smoking: If the patient smokes, they might be advised to quit or at least abstain for a certain period before the procedure.

  7. Inform about Pregnancy: If there’s a chance a female patient might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor, as the procedure involves X-rays.

  8. Arrange a Ride Home: Since sedation might be used during the angioplasty, patients are typically advised not to drive after the procedure. It’s good to have someone available to drive the patient home.

  9. Consent: The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure will be explained, after which the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  10. Physical Preparation: Patients will be asked to remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. They’ll also be prepped in the catheterization lab, which involves cleaning and perhaps shaving the area where the catheter will be inserted.

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